A Photographic Affair offers a comprehensive art reproduction service for artists, which includes: photography of the works of art; post production image retouching; fine art printing and more recently print sales.

We have noticed a scarcity of exposure for the work of emerging black artists on the local art scene. Artists from townships and rural areas are not connected to social capital to promote themselves as artists or their work. We would like to contribute to filling this vacuum through an upliftment project that creates greater accessibility to emerging artists work for the general public and business community. We also envisage creating an ongoing passive income for artists through the sale of print reproductions.

Our vision is to create a 'go to' data base of local artworks which will include removing the barriers to participation for emerging disadvantaged artists. In order to get this project up and running we are 'on the hunt' for talent in disadvantaged communities. We would love to connect and draw on your experience over coffee, should you be in a position to assist us.